

Headshots can be tricky, but once we get them right, they can really make a difference to open up the door to get you in the casting room. 

Casting directors only see a stamp size thumbnail of your headshot, in the sea of thousands of others, so your headshot needs to be strong to encourage them to select you and look more at your profile, showreel etc. Having outdated headshots makes your chance of selection slim (or means when you walk in the room you get a negative response as you aren’t as the CDs expects).

Some tips for a good headshot: 

  • Try and give off a feeling rather than a ‘character'. The camera can read your thoughts and shots always look best when they are more you thinking a certain way - i.e. thinking something playful as if the camera is your mate and you are sharing a look about someone. Or thinking about the camera as someone you distrust rather than doing a ‘mean’ character, or thinking of the camera as someone you love dearly rather than trying to give a ‘warm’ character. Try to feel rather than show and, in the same way as a screen acting job, less is more.

  • Variation of expression. It wants to be you, but with a different energy in each. In general plenty of options for straight face, small smile, smiling with teeth.

  • Wear plain coloured top without patterns. Just offer some different necklines. Don’t go too heavy on character costume as it is just distracting. Layers are good.

  • Minimal makeup - we want to see you! Options with hair up, hair down. If you have a beard, go with it or stubble then shave at the end of the session and get a few clean shaven shots.

  • Discuss with the photographer what you want to get from it, so you are working together. 

  • Avoid very heavy editing


We recommend (in no particular order):

Robin Savage

Ruth Crafer

YellowBelly - specifically Rosie Kernohan

Olivia Spencer

Samuel Black

Ori Jones

We are also happy for you suggest photographers not on this list that you would like to work with.