Here is a select list of voice agents. We suggest looking at the website to see who is on their books, see if they ask for anything specific in their rep/submissions section, see if you like their website. See if their website provides you with names of agents/jobs they’ve cast or something you connect with on their homepage. Know where to aim. There are more agencies out there, so feel free to let us know if you find something/yours isn’t on the list. Good luck.

Starting Out

DAMN GOOD VOICES - www.damngoodvoices.com

VOICE SQUAD - www.voicesquad.com

BABBLE VOICES - https://babblevoices.com - hello@babblevoices.com.

VOICE SHOP - https://www.voice-shop.co.uk - info@voice-shop.co.uk

SHINGING VOICES - https://www.shiningvoices.com - shiningvoices@gmail.com

TALKING HEADS - http://www.talkingheadsvoices.com/agency/ - voices@talkingheadsvoices.com

VOICECALL - https://voicecall-online.co.uk - representation@voicecall-online.co.uk

CHATTERBOX - http://chatterboxvoices.co.uk

LONDON VOICEOVER - https://www.londonvoiceover.com/artists/ - info@londonvoiceover.com

RHUBARB VOICES - https://www.rhubarbvoices.co.uk - enquiries@rhubarbvoices.co.uk

HARVEY VOICES - https://harveyvoices.co.uk - info@harveyvoices.co.uk

LONDON VOICEOVER - https://www.londonvoiceover.com - showreels@londonvoiceover.com

THE VOICEOVER GALLERY -www.thevoiceovergallery.co.uk -info@thevoiceovergallery.co.uk

I CAN TALK - https://www.icantalk.co.uk - hello@icantalk.co.uk

VOICE FOX - https://www.voicefox.co.uk/artists - info@voicefox.co.uk

THE VOICE AGENCY - https://www.thevoiceagency.co.uk - info@thevoiceagency.co.uk

VOICE OVERS UK - http://www.voiceovers-uk.com

Middle Ground

HOBSONS/VOICES  - https://www.hobsons-international.com/voices

NOEL GAY - https://www.noelgay.com/voiceover/   -   INFO@NOELGAY.COM

VOCAL POINT - http://www.vocalpoint.net - enquiries@vocalpoint.net

EXCELLENT TALENT - https://www.excellenttalent.com - info@excellenttalent.com

LONDON VOICE BOUTIQUE - https://londonvoiceboutique.com - steph@londonvoiceboutique.com

VOICEBANK - https://www.voicebanklondon.co.uk

THE VOICE REPUBLIC - https://www.thevoicerepublic.com

FULLER VOICES - https://fullervoices.co.uk/all-artists/

CALYPSO VOICES - http://www.calypsovoices.com - Jane@calypsovoices.com nicola.sandon@calypsovoices.com

SOHO VOICES - https://sohovoices.co.uk - Online form

BE HEARD VOICES - https://beheardvoices.co.uk - info@beheardvoices.co.uk

Need Experience/Credits

MEET THE JONESES - www.meetthejoneses.co.uk

UNITED AGENTS/VOICES - https://unitedvoices.tv - voices@unitedagents.co.uk

HAMILTON HODELL VOICES - https://www.hhush.co.uk/voices/

CONWAY VAN GELDER GRANT - https://www.bespokevoiceagency.co.uk - voices@conwayvg.co.uk - voices@bespokeagency.co.uk

SUE TERRY -  www.sueterryvoices.com

LIP SERVICE - https://lipservice.co.uk - bookings@lipservice.co.uk

LOUD AND CLEAR - https://www.loudandclearvoices.com - info@loudandclearvoices.com

ANOTHER TONGUE - https://anothertongue.com

YAKETYYAK - https://www.yaketyyak.co.uk/artists

Q- VOICE - https://qvoice.co.uk - info@qvoice.co.uk

JUST VOICES AGENCY - www.justvoicesagency.com demos@justvoicesagency.com leigh@justvoicesagency.com

INDEPENDETNT TALENT/ADVOICE - https://www.independenttalent.com/advoice/ - info@advoice.co.uk


Below are some helpful vocal coaches that clients have used and recommended, along with some others that we have researched/heard good things about.

Cameron Bernard Jones for American; https://cameronbernardjones.com

Nina Zendejas for American; https://www.spotlight.com/news-and-advice/voice-and-accent-with-nina-zendejas/

Caitlin Stegemoller for the American accent https://www.csvoicework.com

Elspeth Morrison for Scottish, Irish, and lots more; https://www.voicecoach.tv/coach/elspeth-morrison/

Dewi Hughes for vocal training in general and accents; https://www.linkedin.com/in/dewi-hughes-55548624/?originalSubdomain=uk

Joe Windley for all the above and more! https://www.rada.ac.uk/about-us/acting-teaching-staff/joe-windley/

Joel Trigg UK and Irish dialects (he also does others). In person London based and on zoom and v good at squeezing in last min for tapes etc - sends accent references, accent checks tapes -https://www.voicecoach.tv/coach/joel-trill/ - more about https://www.voicesmith.co.uk/ - his website and contact

Salvatore Sorce http://www.salvatoresorce.com/

Gary Owston owst52@gmail.com

Sarah McGuiness https://www.sarahmcguinness.co.uk/services